Cherrypicked wildcard antennas #51

leah wants to merge 2 commits from cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts into main

Antennas can now have a * in them for a wildcard

Antennas can now have a * in them for a wildcard
leah added 1 commit 2025-01-19 19:34:36 +00:00
cherry picked wildcard antennas
Some checks failed
Lint / pnpm_install (pull_request) Successful in 2m44s
Test (backend) / unit (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 7m25s
Test (frontend) / vitest (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 2m52s
Test (backend) / e2e (22.x) (pull_request) Failing after 9m55s
Test (production install and build) / production (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 3m50s
Test (backend) / validate-api-json (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 4m40s
Lint / lint (backend) (pull_request) Successful in 7m32s
Lint / lint (misskey-js) (pull_request) Successful in 2m36s
Lint / lint (sw) (pull_request) Successful in 2m25s
Lint / lint (frontend) (pull_request) Successful in 11m40s
Lint / typecheck (misskey-js) (pull_request) Successful in 5m14s
Lint / typecheck (backend) (pull_request) Successful in 9m6s
leah changed title from Cherry picked wildcard antennas to Cherrypicked wildcard antennas 2025-01-19 19:35:46 +00:00
leah added 1 commit 2025-01-19 21:44:24 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' into cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
All checks were successful
Lint / pnpm_install (pull_request) Successful in 1m56s
Test (backend) / unit (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 6m25s
Test (frontend) / vitest (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 3m1s
Test (production install and build) / production (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 2m21s
Test (backend) / validate-api-json (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 3m5s
Lint / lint (backend) (pull_request) Successful in 2m37s
Lint / lint (frontend) (pull_request) Successful in 8m35s
Lint / lint (misskey-js) (pull_request) Successful in 2m3s
Lint / lint (sw) (pull_request) Successful in 1m53s
Lint / typecheck (backend) (pull_request) Successful in 2m43s
Lint / typecheck (misskey-js) (pull_request) Successful in 2m16s
Test (backend) / e2e (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 6m33s
All checks were successful
Lint / pnpm_install (pull_request) Successful in 1m56s
Test (backend) / unit (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 6m25s
Test (frontend) / vitest (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 3m1s
Test (production install and build) / production (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 2m21s
Test (backend) / validate-api-json (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 3m5s
Lint / lint (backend) (pull_request) Successful in 2m37s
Lint / lint (frontend) (pull_request) Successful in 8m35s
Lint / lint (misskey-js) (pull_request) Successful in 2m3s
Lint / lint (sw) (pull_request) Successful in 1m53s
Lint / typecheck (backend) (pull_request) Successful in 2m43s
Lint / typecheck (misskey-js) (pull_request) Successful in 2m16s
Test (backend) / e2e (22.x) (pull_request) Successful in 6m33s
This pull request can be merged automatically.
This branch is out-of-date with the base branch
You are not authorized to merge this pull request.
View command line instructions


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts:cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git checkout cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts


Merge the changes and update on Forgejo.

Warning: The "Autodetect manual merge" setting is not enabled for this repository, you will have to mark this pull request as manually merged afterwards.

git checkout main
git merge --no-ff cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git checkout cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git rebase main
git checkout main
git merge --ff-only cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git checkout cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git rebase main
git checkout main
git merge --no-ff cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git checkout main
git merge --squash cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git checkout main
git merge --ff-only cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git checkout main
git merge cherrypick/wildcard-antenna-accts
git push origin main
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