endpoints.ts unit tests unstable #44

opened 2025-01-19 07:47:12 +00:00 by ashten · 6 comments

💡 Summary

the unit tests definited in backend/test/e2e/endpoints.ts are unstable and sometimes fail, only to succeed when the job is rerun

🥰 Expected Behavior

the unit tests should succeed, especially when the code written does not affect those unit tests. they should be stable meaning that the same unit tests can be run on the same code and have the exact same results

🤬 Actual Behavior

the unit tests are erratic and sometimes fail, sometimes succeed, even when run on the same branch without any code modifications

📝 Steps to Reproduce

No response

💻 Frontend Environment

* Model and OS of the device(s):
* Browser:
* Server URL:
* Misskey:

🛰 Backend Environment (for server admin)

* Installation Method or Hosting Service:
* Misskey:
* Node:
* PostgreSQL:
* Redis:
* OS and Architecture:

Do you want to address this bug yourself?

  • Yes, I will patch the bug myself and send a pull request
### 💡 Summary the unit tests definited in backend/test/e2e/endpoints.ts are unstable and sometimes fail, only to succeed when the job is rerun ### 🥰 Expected Behavior the unit tests should succeed, especially when the code written does not affect those unit tests. they should be stable meaning that the same unit tests can be run on the same code and have the exact same results ### 🤬 Actual Behavior the unit tests are erratic and sometimes fail, sometimes succeed, even when run on the same branch without any code modifications ### 📝 Steps to Reproduce _No response_ ### 💻 Frontend Environment ```markdown * Model and OS of the device(s): * Browser: * Server URL: * Misskey: ``` ### 🛰 Backend Environment (for server admin) ```markdown * Installation Method or Hosting Service: * Misskey: * Node: * PostgreSQL: * Redis: * OS and Architecture: ``` ### Do you want to address this bug yourself? - [ ] Yes, I will patch the bug myself and send a pull request

left steps to reproduce empty in case we find a pattern (maybe caused by one of the action runners acting up?)

left steps to reproduce empty in case we find a pattern (maybe caused by one of the action runners acting up?)
ashten added the
label 2025-01-19 07:49:52 +00:00

job failure logs

job failure logs
ashten added the
high priority
label 2025-01-19 08:50:59 +00:00

job success logs

job success logs

assert.strictEqual(newBob.followingCount, 0);

assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400);

assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400);

Are the lines failing. The last 2, it explicitly only checks if the last fails, but it succeeds. It could be that the request before fails, and therefore the one after succeeds. There would be the need to check that too.

The first one,
Would the later check on Alice also fail?
I rn can think of that it maybe fails because the API is serving still old data, by either using cached data or for some weird reason it first fetches the follower count and then the unfollow happens (because it is async?) - would be interesting to introduce a delay and see if then it fails less often (or never) (the fact of one executing before the other, could be a reason of failure also for the second and third failure)

@ashten do you mind sharing another failure log (even better if 2)? So I could double check if there are other tests failing, or only these 3

https://git.woem.men/woem.men/forkey/src/commit/f4bda8582f66ed7ea5ea14d9a9a82c9941256020/packages/backend/test/e2e/endpoints.ts#L363 https://git.woem.men/woem.men/forkey/src/commit/f4bda8582f66ed7ea5ea14d9a9a82c9941256020/packages/backend/test/e2e/endpoints.ts#L848 https://git.woem.men/woem.men/forkey/src/commit/f4bda8582f66ed7ea5ea14d9a9a82c9941256020/packages/backend/test/e2e/endpoints.ts#L875 Are the lines failing. The last 2, it explicitly only checks if the last fails, but it succeeds. It could be that the request before fails, and therefore the one after succeeds. There would be the need to check that too. The first one, Would the later check on Alice also fail? I rn can think of that it maybe fails because the API is serving still old data, by either using cached data or for some weird reason it first fetches the follower count and then the unfollow happens (because it is async?) - would be interesting to introduce a delay and see if then it fails less often (or never) (the fact of one executing before the other, could be a reason of failure also for the second and third failure) @ashten do you mind sharing another failure log (even better if 2)? So I could double check if there are other tests failing, or only these 3

There is also need for more descriptive test failures. So in this example, if the API fails or passes for an unexpected reasons, also that the responses before are logged would be useful.

There is also need for more descriptive test failures. So in this example, if the API fails or passes for an unexpected reasons, also that the responses before are logged would be useful.

This appears to also be an upstream issue. While not at this rate, it still happens https://github.com/MisskeyIO/misskey/actions/runs/12816504556/job/35737592822#step:10:1103

This appears to also be an upstream issue. While not at this rate, it still happens https://github.com/MisskeyIO/misskey/actions/runs/12816504556/job/35737592822#step:10:1103
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Reference: woem.men/forkey#44
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